Staff Directory

IrinaOgnyanovaIrina Lyubomirova Ognyanova-Krivoshieva

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Associated Professor

Areas of academic interest:

Contemporary history and politics in South Eastern Europe; nationalism and religion.

Irina ShopovaIrina Dimitrova Shopova

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Ancient history, culture, and religion of Southeastern Europe and the Mediterranean, Thracology, Ancient epigraphy.

Kalin Tsvetanov Stoev

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Associated Professor

Areas of academic interest:

Kalina Ivanova Peeva

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Areas of academic interest:

Lora Taseva fotoLora Emilova Taseva

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Reception of Byzantine literature among the Balkan Slavs, edition of medieval manuscripts, Greek-Slavonic lexicography, historical onomastics

lmindova Yana Lozeva photo2Ludmila Lubomirova Mindova

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Associated Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Balkan and Slavic literatures, literary comparative studies, literature and memory

Malamir Borisov Spasov

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Areas of academic interest:

00000001Margarita Koleva Dobreva

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Modernization in the Balkans, cultural interaction, migration.

Screenshot 4Maria Ivanova Shusharova

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Areas of academic interest:

Marian KaragyozovMarian Dimitrov Karagyozov

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Political analyst

Areas of academic interest:
Turkish domestic and foreign policy, International relations in the Middle East and the Balkans

MarijanaStamovaMariyana Nikolova Stamova

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Associated Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Contemporary History of the Balkans, Cold War in the Balkans, ethno-territorial and ethno-religious problems, Albanians in Yugoslavia and the Balkans and post-World War II Albanian-Yugoslav relations, the Albanian factor in the People's Republic of Macedonia/the Socialist Republic of Macedonia (1945–1991) and the independent Republic of Macedonia from 1991 to the present days, disintegration of Yugoslavia and the Euro-Atlantic integration of the region.

DSC084333Miroslav Ivanov Vasilev

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Ancient Macedonia, Ancient Thrace, Achaemenid Persia, Ancient Geography

Orlin Stamenov Sabev

Scientific degree and current position:
Dr. habil., Professor

Areas of academic interest:

Petia Velichkova Ilieva

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Ancient Thrace during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age, contacts between the Thracians and Hellenes along the Aegean coast of Thrace before and after the establishment of Greek colonies there, the production and use of ceramic vessels in sites from the Aegean coast of Thrace during the period between the Late Bronze and Archaic Era, local ceramic styles.

Plamen Rangelov Petkov

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Areas of academic interest:

Raia ZaimovaRaia Iordanova Zaimova

Scientific degree and current position:
Dr. habil., Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Evolution of ideas in modern Europe; history of the Francophonie in the Balkans; cultural and historical ties between the West and the East; sources and archives

Rositsa Stefanova Gradeva

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor

Areas of academic interest:

IMG RoumianaRoumiana Ilieva Preshlenova

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Doctor honoris causa
Director of the Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology

Areas of academic interest:
Modern Balkan history; cultural, social, and economic history; international relations; digital humanities

Ruja Tancheva Popova

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Areas of academic interest:

10702039 839296242759036 5362522667860940013 nSamuil Munir Kamburov

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Medieval history and archeology, cultural and historical heritage, contemporary geopolitics in the Levant and the Middle East, cultural and historical contacts between the Balkans and the Middle East, medieval armaments and military affairs in Southeast Europe and the Middle East, medieval armaments and equipment in Northern Europe, production, development and distribution of medieval stabbing weapons in the Balkan Peninsula and in the Middle East, cultural and historical tourism.

Стела СтефановаStela Petrova Stefanova

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Cultural heritage, archaeological heritage, Roman archaeological heritage, cultural tourism, classical archeology

Ст. Янакиев PhotoStefan Dimitrov Yanakiev

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Roman Thrace, Romanization

Stoyanka Petrova Dimitrova

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Areas of academic interest:

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