Staff Directory

Mariyana Stamova

MarijanaStamovaMariyana Nikolova Stamova

Scientific degree and current position:
Doctor of Philosophy, Associated Professor

Areas of academic interest:
Contemporary History of the Balkans, Cold War in the Balkans, ethno-territorial and ethno-religious problems, Albanians in Yugoslavia and the Balkans and post-World War II Albanian-Yugoslav relations, the Albanian factor in the People's Republic of Macedonia/the Socialist Republic of Macedonia (1945–1991) and the independent Republic of Macedonia from 1991 to the present days, disintegration of Yugoslavia and the Euro-Atlantic integration of the region.

Education and fellowships:

2003 PhD in History - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
1998 Master's degree in History - Sofia University 'St. Kliment Ohridski'

2017-2018 – 3 months fellowship in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
2012-2013 – 3 months fellowship in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
2009-2010 – 3 months fellowship in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
2003-2004 – 3 months fellowship in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
2002-2003 – 3 months fellowship in Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia

Participation in scholarly projects:
2017 – Contemporary Balkans and the challenges facing Bulgaria (36 months)
Cold War and the Balkans - joint project since 2006 between the IBSCT–BAS and the Cold War Studies program at Harvard University's Davis Centre, USA
2017-2019 Serbian (Yugoslav)-Bulgarian relations and the interests of the Great Powers in the Balkans (19th-20th Centuries) - joint project between the IBSCT–BAS and the Institute for Balkan Studies at the Serbian Academy of Sciences
2017-2019 (extended till 28.03.2020) Bulgaria, Montenegro and the Balkans from the Congress of Berlin to the present days - join project between the IBSCT–BAS and the Department of Humanities, Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts
2017-2019 Balkans and the projects for Regional and European integration (from the 19th Century to the present day) - project, implemented by the IBSCT–BAS and managed by Prof. Alexandre Kostov, Dr. habil., Corresponding member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2017-2019 Balkans in the European culture area - project, impelented by the IBSCT–BAS and managed by Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Bibina
2014-2016 Balkan cultures facing the challenges of globalization - project, impelented by the IBSCT–BAS and managed by Assoc. Prof. Yordanka Bibina
2014-2016 Cultural integration and sustainability in the Balkans - join project between the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and managed by Prof. Milena Bozhikova, D.A. from the Institute of Art Studies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2014-2016 Bulgaria, Serbia/Yugoslavia and the international relations in the Balkans (1900-1989) - joint project between the IBSCT–BAS and the Institute for Balkan Studies at the Serbian Academy of Sciences
2014-2016 Between Vienna and Constantinople. Nationalism in Central and Southeastern Europe after the collapse of the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires - joint project between the IBST-BAS an and the Masaryk Institute and Archive of the Czech Academy of Sciences
2011-2013; 2009-2011; 2006-2008 The problem of formation and development of national identities in Central Europe and the Balkans in the 19th and 20th Centuries - joint project between the IBST-BAS an and the Masaryk Institute and Archive of the Czech Academy of Sciences
2012-2016 The Balkans and the European idea from the second half of the 19th to the beginning of the 21st Century - project, implemented by the IBSCT–BAS and managed by Prof. Alexandre Kostov, Dr. habil., Corresponding Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2010-2012; 2007-2009 The Great Powers and the Balkans in the 20th Century - koint project between the IBSCT–BAS and the Institute for Balkan Studies at the Serbian Academy of Sciences
2009-2011; 2006-2008 Territorial and national conflicts in Central and Eastern Europe over the centuries - joint project between the IBSCT–BAS and the Institute of History at the Polish Academy of Sciences
2009-2010 The Balkans in the international affairs - project, implemented by the IBSCT–BAS and managed by Prof. Ogniana Hrisimova, PhD
2009-2010 Ethno-religious and national problems (15th-21st c.) - project, implemented by the IBSCT–BAS and managed by Prof. Kostadin Paleshutski, Dr. habil.
2008-2012 Power and society: The Communist system in Croatia 1945–1990 - project, implemented by the Institute of History in Zagreb (Croatia) and the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia. Project Managers: Prof. Katarina Shpehniak and Prof. Zdenko Radelić
2005-2008 International relations and European integration in the Balkans - project, implemented by the IBSCT–BAS and managed by Prof. Agop Garabedyan, PhD
2005-2008 Modernisation in the Balkans in the 20th c. - project, implemented by the IBSCT–BAS and managed by Assoc. Prof. Ekaterina Nikova, PhD


Selected publications:

Албанският въпрос на Балканите (1945–1981), Фабер: Велико Търново, 2005, 362 с.
ISBN 954-775-480-7
Албанският фактор в Социалистическа република Македония (1945–1981), Кюстендил-Габрово, 2012, 168 с.
ISBN 978–954–9971–57–6
Faktori Shqiptar në Republikën Socialiste të Maqedonisë (1945–1981), Sofia, 2014, 220 f. ISBN 978-954-9971-74-3
Албанският проблем в Югославия след Тито (1980–1990), Парадигма: София, 2016, 310с. ISBN 978-954-326-287-8
Албанците в СР Македония през последното десетилетие в Титова Югославия (1981–1991). Кюстендил, Иван Сапунджиев ЕООД, 2017, 188 с.
ISBN 978-954-9971-90-3
Shqiptarët në Republikën Socialiste të Maqedonisë gjatë dekadës së fundit të Jugosllavisë së Titos (1981–1991). Kyustendil, Ivan Sapunjiev – LTD, 2018, 184 f.
ISBN 978-954-9971-92-7

Selected papers and articles
Тирана между Москва и Пекин (1948–1978). – В: Юбилеен сборник. Изследвания в чест на 80 г. на проф. Кръстьо Манчев, София, 2006, 469–487.
The Albanian Factor and Albanian Resistance to the Independent Republic of Macedonia 1991–2001. – Guerrilla in the Balkans. Freedom Fighters, Rebels or Bandits – Researching the Guerrilla and Paramilitary Forces in the Balkans, International Conference Belgrade – Leskovac – Vranje Sept. 14–16 2006, Tokyo – Belgrade 2007, 271–278.
Kosovo in the Period between Tito and Miloshevich in the Official Yugoslav Documents (1981–1987). – “Etudes Balkaniques”, 3, 2007, 3–15.
„Велика Албания“ – мит или опит за реализация (1878–1978). – In: Formování moderních národů ve střední a východní Evropě v 19. a 20. století. Richard Vašek, Jan Rychlík (Eds.), Masarykův ústav a Archiv AV ČR, v. v. i., Praha – Sofie 2010, s. 265–283.
Albanska manjina u Titovoj Jugoslaviji kao factor u jugoslovensko-albanskim odnosima (1945–1953) – Zbornik radova “TITO – VIĐENJA I TUMAČENJA”. Beograd, INIS, 2011, 247–261.
Република Македония: консолидация и евроинтеграция. – В: Балканите през първото десетилетие на 21. век (Сборник статии). Парадигма, 2012, 244–267.
Република Македония: реални или надценени амбиции. – Балканите през второто десетилетие на 21 век. С., Парадигма, 2015, 221–254.
Украинската криза и Република Македония. – В: Украинската криза и Балканите. София, Институт за балканистика с Център по тракология при БАН, Издателство „Парадигма“, 2017, 184–229.
Мигрантската криза – предизвикателство за сигурността на Република Македония. – В: Бежанската криза и Балканите 2015–2016. Колективна монография, ИБЦТ, Издателство „Парадигма“, София, 2018, 165–180.
The Albanians in the Independent Republic of Macedonia (1991–2001). – Etudes Balkaniques, 4/2018, 608–620.
Република (Северна) Македония: трънливият път към евроатлантическата интеграция. – Новите предизвикателства пред Балканите (съст. чл.-кор. проф. дин Александър Костов), Издателство „Парадигма“. София, 2019, 197–222.
Албанский фактор в Республике Македония в последнее десятилетие XX в. – первое десятилетие XXI в.). – Славянский мир в третъем тысячелетии, Москва, том 14, № 1–2, 2019, с. 92–109.

Information on scientometric indicators in accordance with the Register of Academic Staff in the Republic of Bulgaria


Mariyana Nikolova Stamova
Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology 'Prof. Alexander Fol' at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Moskovska Street No. 45
Sofia 1000

Telephone numbers:
Mobile: + 359 887 395 831
Work: + 359 2 980 62 97

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