Studia Balcanica

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Studia Balcanica 1. Recherches de geographie historique. Research in historical geography. Sofia 1970.

Studia Balcanica 2. Research papers on the occasion of the II Congress of Balkan studies. Sofia 1970.

Studia Balcanica 3. La ville balkanique XVe-XIXe ss. The Balkan city XV-XIX century. Sofia 1970.

Studia Balcanica 4. The policy of the Great Powers in the Balkan on the eve of the World War II. Sofia 1971.

Studia Balcanica 5. L’ethnogenese des peoples balkaniques. The ethnogenesis of the Balkan peoples. Sofia 1971.

Studia Balcanica 6. Balkan studies XX century. Sofia 1972.

Studia Balcanica 7. Les grandes puissances et les Balkans a la veille et au debut de la Deuxieme guerre mondiale 1937-1941. The Great Powers and the Balkans on the eve and at the beginning of the World War II, 1937-1941. Sofia 1973.

Studia Balcanica 8. Balkan cultural and literary connections. Sofia 1974.

Studia Balcanica 9. La politique française et les Balkans 1933-1936. The French policy in the Balkans, 1933-1936 г. Sofia 1975.

Studia Balcanica 10. Recherches de geographie historique II. Research in historical geography II. Sofia 1975.

Studia Balcanica 11. La preparation diplomatique du pacte balkanique 1934.Diplomatic preparations for the Balkan Pact of 1934. Sofia 1977.

Studia Balcanica 12. National liberation movements in the Balkans at the end of XIX century. Sofia 1976.

Studia Balcanica 13. From the history of the Bulgarian Renascence. Sofia 1977.

Studia Balcanica 14. Problems of the Balkan history and culture. Sofia 1979.

Studia Balcanica 15. Balkan cultural relations. Sofia 1980.

Studia Balcanica 16. The Great Powers and Balkan relations at the end of the XIX- beginning of the XX century. Sofia 1982.

Studia Balcanica 17. Research in honour of Academician Nikolai Todorov. Sofia 1983.

Studia Balcanica 18. A travers le developpement culturel des peoples balkanique (XVe-XXe SS.). From the cultural development of the Balkan peoples (XV-XX century). Sofia 1985.

Studia Balcanica 19. A travers lʹhistoire des mouvements sociaux sur les Balkans a la fin du XIXe e pendant le XXe S. From the history of social movements in the Balkans in the late XIX and XX centuries. Sofia 1986.

Studia Balcanica 20. Раннефеодальные славянские государства и народности (проблемы идеологии и культуры). Early feudal Slavic states (problems of ideology and culture). Sofia 1991.

Studia Balcanica 21. Culture and society I. Sofia 1992.

Studia Balcanica 22. Culture and society II. Sofia 1994.

Studia Balcanica 23. Research in honour of corresponding member Prof. Strashimir Dimitrov (in two volumes). Sofia 2001.

Studia Balcanica 24. Research in honour of Prof. Vesselin Traykov. Sofia 2003.

Studia Balcanica 25. Byzantium, The Balkans, Europe. Research in honour of Prof. Vasilka Tapkova-Zaimova. Sofia 2006.

Studia Balcanica 26. Research in honour of Apostolos Christakudis. Sofia 2007.

Studia Balcanica 27. Touches to the Balkan Middle Ages. Research in memory of Prof. Nikolay Kochev. Sofia 2009.

Studia Balcanica 28. Europe: peoples and borders. The Peace of Versailles and its legacy. Sofia 2010.

Studia Balcanica 29. Ethnicity, language and identity in Southeast Europe. Sofia 2014.

Studia Balcanica 30. The Balkans and the world modus concurrandi. Sofia 2014.

Studia Balcanica 31. Murabilia: Wonders and monsters. Sofia 2016.

Studia Balcanica 32. Medieval Balkans as a world crossroads. Contacts and exchange. Sofia 2017.

Studia Balcanica 33. Mirabilia: Wonderful and magical. Sofia 2020.

Studia Balcanica 34. Balkan studies is my life. The (un)known Vasilka Tapkova-Zaimova. Sofia 2020.

Studia Balcanica 35. South-East Europe through the Centuries: Social History, Contacts of Languages and Cultures. Sofia 2021.

Studia Balcanica 36. Mirabilia: Times, Spaces, Myths. Sofia 2023.

Studia Balcanica 37. Constantine of Preslav’s Didactic Gospel and the South Slavonic Homiletic Texts (9th-13th Century). Philological and Interdisciplinary Aspects. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference in Sofia, April 25-27, 2023. Sofia 2024, ISBN: 978-619-7179-49-1 (print); e-ISBN: 978-619-7179-50-7 (online); DOI:

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